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Meditations for daily walks

Meditations for daily walks

As we take walks in the city or in the country, we’re getting outside to get away from our work and other responsibilities.  We’re giving ourselves the gift of the time to just be.  We can be with friends, family, pets or just with ourselves.  It’s a time to slow our minds down while we get our bodies moving.  Getting out and moving for just 20 or 30 minutes each day can make a profound change in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves.  If you can’t do 20 minutes, start with 5 minutes each day for a week.  Then go to 7 or 10 minutes each day the next week.  Each week add a few more minutes until you get to your goal.

True, profound and lasting changes usually don’t occur overnight.  It takes baby steps.  Those tiny, almost imperceptible steps that we can take every day in all aspects of our lives.  Without reflecting on where we’ve come from, we may not even notice how far we’ve come.   Journal a little each day about where you are.  Then look back on those writings every now and then.  You’ll be glad you did, whether you made changes or not.

So make a commitment to yourself to get out there and walk.  Put it in your calendar and make it happen every day.   Make yourself the most important thing on your agenda.  No matter what the weather is like.

Enjoy your life

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