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Getting Past Stuck

Getting Past Stuck

You’ve decided to finally take the steps necessary to move closer to your goal.  You’re making some progress and feel great.  You think, “Wow!  If I knew it was this easy, I would have started a long time ago!”  Each baby step propels you forward.

And then life gets in the way.

If you’re losing weight, there’s the temptation of a big party or festive weekend or a vacation or you just hit a plateau.

If you’re finally making time to pursue your passion, things blow up at work or the kids need more of your time or some other disaster requiring your time emerges.

You hit a wall that stops all that great momentum you had in its tracks.

Now, what do you do?

First of all, don’t beat yourself up or get angry because you stepped, fell or were pushed off course.  Life works that way.  Nothing is linear.  We have lessons to learn besides those we planned for.

Don’t blame anyone or anything for your situation.  Take personal responsibility for where you are and where you’re taking yourself from here.  It’s your choice.

Notice how you handle these setbacks.

Second, take the time to refocus on where you are in the present moment.  Once the diversion is over and you’ve taken care of whatever came up, get your head back in the game.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.  Calm yourself and refocus on your goal.

What is the next baby step you can take to get back on course?  Forget about what you could or should have done in the past.  The past is gone.  What can you do right now?

Now do that one thing now.  It may be the smallest thing but doing that one thing will get you rolling in the right direction again.

If you’re losing weight, then today is your new day zero – your new starting point.  Add some extra lean protein to your diet to get you past your plateau.  Get out and take a walk.

Take one of the actions you were taking when things were working for you.

Even if you have to take a little step backward to go forward, just take the step.  Nothing good will happen if you don’t.  And only good will happen if you do.

I’ve been facing my own setback over the past couple of weeks which has prevented me from writing my blog and working on other projects to move my business forward.

While I was none too happy about the impositions on my time, they’re just about over and done and I’m moving forward.  It took me a couple days to get my head back in the game.  I took the time to step back, relax and get back in touch with the flow that was working before the intrusions.

At first, I didn’t know where to start again.  So I closed my eyes, took a few deep breaths and asked myself what the best next step would be.  And the answer came to me in the stillness.

Trust your inner voice.  It usually knows the answers you’re seeking.

Have you been stuck lately?  How have you moved forward?  Sharing your ideas here may help others take the steps that are needed.


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