Do we really need a national holiday to remind us to be thankful?  With the flood of emails and other communications I receive this time of year, it would seem so.

Why do we let the busy-ness of life interfere with our ability to stop and notice the million and ten things we’re really grateful for every day?  Many things that we take for granted.

I started a practice a while ago called the 10/10 exercise.  Each day I write down 10 things I’m grateful for.  Just writing those things down improves my mood so that when I follow the exercise with writing down 10 goals for the day, week or life, I have a better chance of meeting them because I feel good about them.  Simple, yet powerful.

When I write down my list of things I’m grateful for, I try to write something different each day to make me notice every little awesome thing in my life.

The big things I’m grateful for are:

  • My family, as a group and the love and support I receive from each member
  • My children individually and all of their unique beauties and gifts
  • My husband and all of his unique traits and quirks that I love and sometimes hate but that combined, make him who he is
  • My health
  • My home and all the dreams that I’ve realized by living where I do
  • Being able to be home with my family every day

Some of the smaller things I notice and am very grateful for are:

  • The kindness of people during my day
  • Snuggling up with my kids each night as they go to sleep
  • The ability to see the Milky Way and the billions and billions of stars at night
  • The smell of a wood stove when I’m outside at night enjoying the night sky
  • The warmth from that fire inside
  • Hot coffee and tea
  • Fresh water
  • An abundance of wonderful food
  • The luxury of choice in how I spend my day and the freedom to choose
  • My computer and the wonderful connections it allows me to make and the new worlds it has allowed me to explore
  • My reliable car and the places it takes me
  • Realizing I have too much and being able to give my things to others with no attachments
  • A warm, comfy bed with a down comforter

I could go on forever.  And that’s one of the points.

If we stop for just a moment and start to really notice, we realize how blessed we are every day of our lives.

Being mindful of these things is the first step.  The second is showing your gratitude.

After writing down all the little things you love about the people close to you, tell those people what you wrote.  Not for validation or to prove your love but simply to bring joy to their day.  It’s the best payoff.

Perform random acts of kindness each day to show how you feel.

Take nothing for granted unless you want it taken away.  It can happen in a heartbeat.

Tell and show everyone and everything you’re grateful for exactly how you feel each day of the year.  It will transform your life and your relationships.

What are 4 things you’re grateful for that you haven’t really noticed before?

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Create the life you want: Combine the law of attraction with mindfulness

The law of attraction suggests that our positive or negative thoughts bring about positive or negative experiences.  My latest book, The Mindful Guide to Law of Attraction, pairs that belief with the powerful practices of mindfulness. Through intentional breathing, writing, and engaging, you’ll hone a method for manifesting health, wealth, and love―the elements of happiness.

Let the law of attraction work for you by adopting its basic steps of identifying and visualizing the things you desire. Then use 45 practical meditation techniques included in the book to achieve awareness. By concentrating your positive energy on obtaining your wants, you’ll give yourself permission to receive them.

To your happiness!  ~Paige

The Mindful Guide to the Law of Attraction  

You can find this book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and Indigo.